Medical Confidence Talks Mental Health on 640 Toronto’s Morning Show

 In English, In The Media

On Wednesday, February 17th, our President and Founder, Angela Johnson, took part in 640 Toronto’s Morning Show

Angela and Mike Stafford discussed her recent National Post article on the upcoming epidemic of mental illness, post-pandemic supported by staggering facts and figures. She stated:

“When patients are struggling with siloed health systems, and no one to rely on to guide them through the system, coordinate their access, make sure they get quick turn-around and avoid delays because the system just doesn’t have that within it – except for cancer patients. Mental illness prohibits self-care – for many individuals living with depression just getting out of bed in the morning is like climbing a mountain.  It’s unreasonable to have the expectation that they could navigate the healthcare resources on their own.”

Listen to the podcast recording to learn more about Canada’s upcoming mental health epidemic:

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